Hey! I’m Chloe

As a little girl, I was very curious about sex. I vividly remember the first time I felt deeply turned on. I was watching Christina Aguileras' music video "Dirty" and around the same time, I began carrying immense shame around sex.

I grew up wanting to please everyone around me in order to feel the deep love and acceptance I longed for in myself. This landed me in many intimate situations that I truly did not want to be in.

This deep desire for approval spread into my teenage years, 20's, and well into my 30s.

It was only when I started setting boundaries in my life, I realised just how far the people pleasing had spread. It bled into work relationships, friendships and even my intimate relationships (where I faked my pleasure)!

I chameleon-ised myself to be valued and loved.

After years of healing, therapy and self-discovery. I have dedicated my life to empowering Women and becoming a lighthouse for living a life they deeply crave.

I am so grateful for my journey, it has allowed me to have lived and evolved through the experiences I now support my community with. 

Psst - I’m also the host of Honey-ed Podcast where I teach bite-sized, actionable intimacy tips to reignite your sex life

Click here to listen…

I felt so much conflict within and had almost zero trust in myself. These thoughts and beliefs contributed to dips in my libido, my sexual confidence and doing things my soul deeply didn’t want to do. 

I am now making decisions from my soul (most of the time, there is no such thing as perfect) and know what a “hell yes” and a “hell no” feels like in my body.

My background, qualifications, and teaching lineage include Somatic Sex Coaching, Feminine Sexuality, Art of Love Making, Conscious Kink, Lingam and Yoni Worship, Womens' Circle Facilitation, Integrative Holistic Nutrition and Mastermind facilitator to 100+.

I am obsessed with my 2 lemon beagles Harvey & Louis (named after Suits). I love Intense sweaty workouts - The Yang and balance it out with another love of mine, Meditation - The Yin. 

I want women just like you to love your life, deeply desire Intimacy and feel unshakable confidence in your body because you deserve it!

Louis & Harvey