In a long-term relationship, want to stop feeling like housemates instead of lovers and have connection and intimacy you deeply crave?


Hey honey! I’m Chloe.

An intimacy expert (with a specialty in sex & relationships), a keynote speaker, and podcast host who has transformed my story of struggle with low libido into a journey of empowerment and authentic living.

I am deeply passionate about helping time-poor women in long-term relationships go from frustration to deep fulfillment… and experience real “o”s only!

My approach is compassionate, fearless, and authentic and I’m on a mission to help women around the world reclaim their pleasure and transform their relationships. I’m proud to run Honey-ed, a thriving global coaching business, and host the Honey-ed Podcast, where I support women in embracing their true desires and put themselves first.

As a dedicated expert, a lifelong learner, and a woman who’s turned disconnection into deep, meaningful connections, my story is proof that you can rise from frustration to fulfillment and live a life of joy and intimacy.





“Hey Chloe, I want to…”

Uplevel My Relationship

Reignite my intimate life and resolve my intimacy challenge is 15 minutes or less.

Listen To The Podcast

Get actionable bite-sized tips to help me feel connected and deeply satisfied in my relationship and my body.

Book You As A Speaker

Have you speak at an event, be on my podcast, write an article or create some collaborative content together!

  • 1 Year Post Coaching - Elli Sundstrom - Business Owner

    “I’ve been developing more and more confidence in myself since with one on one with Chloe, I felt so seen valued and supported by Chloe, and I think that’s made a lasting impact on my feelings about myself, someone else seeing the magic in you and encouraging you to honour yourself and the areas of life you have been struggling with, I have definitely felt the benefits all these months later, and I feel I’m really starting to feel and see the cellular shifts Now. If you are needing support, safety and someone to help you understand yourself better, she’s your girl. “

  • Caitlin L - Business Owner

    “Chloe was able to help me work toward my goals by providing her knowledge and expertise to guide me. But more than anything, Chloe created a safe container for me to explore”.

  • Elli S - Business Owner

    “Chloe feels extremely safe and I highly recommend her to anyone that wants to dive into their relationship with themselves, their sexuality, their body and everything else”.

  • B

    “I would recommend Chloe to women who find their sexual life as challenging, or their self pleasure. Anybody that needs a bit of guidance and help around this area. Chloe was absolutely brilliant, thank ou so much”.

  • Elli S - Business Owner

    “One of the biggest things that I’m taking away from my coaching with Chloe is that I have a new deep love and gratitude for myself. Chloe has the abilty to make me feel so seen, her understanding and ability to reflect my life back to me has made me feel a great deal of love for myself that I didn’t before”.

  • B

    “The most significant overall change I have noticed since coaching with Chloe has been me connecting to my yoni, I still have a way to go but Chloe definitely helped me actually approach her and start to communicate with her , and wow she has a lot to say”!

Bite-sized actionable intimacy tips, and strategies to build a life that brings you more desire, more connection and a thriving intimate life in less than 15 mins a week

  • How to reignite the “spark” in your relationship

  • How to create intimacy that works for you (not the other way around)

  • How to build deep desire and breakthrough the barriers that are blocking your arousal

Listen between meetings or on the way to pick up the kids while your resident online intimacy coach (thats me!) dives into the nitty gritty of building deep desire and how to have mind-blowing sex that’s far from mediocre.

Warning: Each podcast contains irresistibly addictive content with straight up strategies and intimacy tips to help you build the life of your dreams… all in under 15 mins a week!

From frustration to fulfillment, so you can shine, even with the Lights On!

Increase Your Desires, Libido & Sexual Power

Unleash hidden desires and break free from the chains of frustration. Tap into your deepest longings, explore your fantasies, and discover what truly ignites your passion. To unlock your inner desires and set the stage for a sexually fulfilling journey.

Feel Sexy, Confident & Embody Self Acceptance

I guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. Bid farewell to insecurities and celebrate your body, embrace your unique beauty, and radiate irresistible allure. With newfound confidence, attract the intimate connections you desire most.

Own Your Pleasure & Sensuality

Embark on a transformative journey of exploration as I reveal proven techniques, sensual practices, and strategies to elevate your sensuality and pleasure. Discover the secrets of orgasmic bliss, deepen your body connection, and unlock untapped pleasure potential.

It’s so easy to get started!

1. Book a COMPLIMENTARY online coffee catch up with me.

2. We'll create your Personalised Plan to thrive in your relationships and intimacy, so you can feel connected even when you aren’t having deep conversations!

3. Celebrate your newfound sexiness, re-ignited libido and deep self-love.

Wait, before you go, don’t forget to scoop up…

Free Guide: Reignite Your Libido in just 15 mins a day

The tea… Creating an intimate life that lights you up doesn’t need to take hours. Skip the stress and scoop up your FREE step-by-step guide for reigniting your libido.